Focus on Jesus instead of your difficulties—He will provide deliverance, comfort, and peace.

Philippians 3:8-11

The apostle Paul understood how to handle tough situations. Even while he was in prison, he kept his eyes on Christ. Therefore, despite being in chains, he was able to celebrate the Lord’s work in his life. In fact, the epistle he wrote from jail to the Philippians was filled with rejoicing and praise (Philippians 1:18; Philippians 2:18; Philippians 3:1).

Focusing on Christ is neither a natural reaction nor an easy one. Our instinct is to dwell on the circumstance at hand, searching for solutions or stewing over the pain and difficulty. As a result, troubles can look scary and overwhelming.

However, fear and defeat can’t live long in a heart that trusts the Lord. That’s not to say you’ll forget what you’re going through, but you can choose to dwell on God’s provision and care instead. He is our Deliverer (2 Corinthians 1:10), Healer (Jeremiah 17:14), and Guide (Psalm 23:3). The believer who lays claim to divine promises discovers that God pushes back negative emotions and replaces them with hope, confidence, and contentment. This doesn’t mean you’ll be happy about a difficult situation, but you can be satisfied that God is in control and working things for your good.

Focus on Christ instead of your circumstances—God will give comfort and bring you through the trial. Then you’ll be ready to answer Paul’s call to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4).

Bible in One Year: Isaiah 40-42

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By Stevo

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