Romans 12:18-21

Scripture calls us to encourage, help, and get along with others— but most of us know at least one person with whom we have more conflict than comfort. Discord can take many forms: Personalities may not mesh; different belief systems can lead to arguments; and words or actions might be misunderstood. But through the Lord, almost any difference can be overcome.

Living in submission to Jesus creates a channel by which His goodness and grace can flow through us and create harmony. First, when we make a habit of lifting up the other person in prayer, divine grace becomes part of the situation. Next, to uncover the conflict’s source, we must be willing to share our concerns and listen to the other’s point of view. This means honestly discussing the issue, whether a past wound, incorrect assumption, or unhealthy thought pattern. (Sometimes working through this step requires enlisting the aid of a godly counselor.) Finally, once the root issue is known, both parties must cooperate in restoring harmony—and maintaining it by agreeing to confront new issues as needed.

God desires that believers live in peace, but He knows we can’t achieve this on our own. That’s why He gave us a Helper—the Holy Spirit—through whom we can attain unity and be bound together in peace (Ephesians 4:1-6).

Bible in One Year: Psalms 67-70

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By Stevo

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