When your mind wanders, ask the Lord to help you focus; then receive the truth He has for you.

Ephesians 4:30-32

How many of us have withheld forgiveness because the other person never apologized for a wrong? We may think that punishes the offender. But unforgiveness destroys us—and also trickles down to hurt others.

When someone harms us, we may feel that person doesn’t deserve pardon, but neither are we deserving of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. That’s why the Lord calls us to follow His example of extending grace (Eph. 4:32).

Crucifixion was slow and agonizing, but Jesus’ worst torment occurred when the sin of the world was laid on Him and His Father turned away (Matthew 27:46). Even so, as the crowd cast lots for His garments, Jesus gave us the best possible example of forgiveness by saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). Others may not know your pain, but be assured that Jesus does. With His infinite love and gentleness, He’ll help you overcome hurt, anger, and bitterness.

Forgiveness is a choice—an act of service to God and a necessary step in our healing. He wants us to give up the “right” to punish those who hurt us, even if it’s a mindset change that takes place only within our own heart.

Bible in One Year: Proverbs 13-15

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By Stevo

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