Trials are an opportunity to experience our heavenly Father’s fai

2 Corinthians 11:23-30

The apostle Paul spent over half of his life serving Christ, and yet he experienced suffering. It doesn’t seem fair, does it? Why would God let one of His servants go through so much pain? We may be asking the same question because of issues we face today. Many believe the Lord should prevent hardship, but He doesn’t necessarily do so in this life.

Maybe our reasoning is backwards. We may think faithful Christians don’t deserve to suffer, but suffering aids in the development of faithful Christians. If we all had a life without trials or pain, we’d never really know God, because we’d never need Him. Adversity teaches us more about the Lord than simply reading the Bible ever will. If what we believe is never tested by adversity, it remains head knowledge. The Lord gives us opportunities to apply scriptural truths to the difficulties facing us, and in the process, we find Him faithful. For example, how would Paul ever have known the strength of Christ if he had never been weakened by persecution, pain, and adversity?

Trials can either build our faith or lead to discouragement. If you’ll believe what Scripture says and apply its principles to your situation, your trust in God will grow. In that way, your faith will be strengthened through adversity.

Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 1-4

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By Stevo

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